Thursday, July 7, 2011

Someone entered my life...

Or was I that let him in?

I was in the ocean with a guy I've recently meet. The waves where uneasy, but not rough. We where holding on to something, floating. We where both laughing so hard during the whole time.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I don't know if it was worrying me or because I am truly amazed but, I dreamt with Dior's dresses of the "New Look", it was stuck in my head the whole night, and so many of his dresses kept on popping in my head and I had the desire to them all on! They are just... Beautiful! Dior knew how to make a woman feel like a woman, in my opinion. Anyways, that was pretty much my dream last night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Short dream, really...

My mom was telling my sister that my christmas this year will be spent alone because I won't have a "someone" with me anymore, and she was laughing.

Went up to my room and I had bunk beds... again, ha. Though, instead of having my bed made in the top one, it was in the bottom one, but it wasn't even made, it looked like it was just placed there, not even tucked in or anything. And my cover was a turquoise blue.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I had a dream where I was on a cruise with two people I knew, one of 'em being my best friend.

We had to make something out of some beads that they gave us, color blue, different tones of blues and you either made a bracelet, a ring or a necklace, but my friend and I didn't know so we just beaded a size that was in between a ring and a bracelet. So, we finish what ever we where making and went on to a costume party, but this costume party was actually quite scary… these people didn't seem like real people, they where like "possessed" but was kept down-low but even like that, I felt their energy; strong and rough. And then I saw a little girl whom physically looked like me when I was that age and her face was painted in red and her eyebrows where painted with black... she looked like a devil, I think it was the idea of it. She scared me...

We go back to the cruise and this time we are begging for something physical, my best friend and I, but there's too many people around us, so I go to another room first, shutting off every light I pass so that no one can see us, but then... he never got to me.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I don't remember the whole thing. I just remember tiny bits.

Someone gave me an engagement ring, it was sort of a black diamond, though, it looked gray, and it was in  a shape of a small heart, it looked so familiar that in my dream I had said to that person "It's the heart I had given you!... you put it in a ring" and I was actually so very happy, I couldn't wait to marry that person.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Once again, he came back.

I was at school, minding my own business in class and then I see Alfonso coming in with a group of people I dislike a lot at school and he sat right next to me and when we saw each other wanted to avoid our gaze.

I got up from my chair and walked out of the classroom and he followed me, he had said something to me (I couldn't make out the words) but my answer to him was: "Fuck you! (with the middle finger up high)... it wasn't worth being together!" in that last phrase it seemed like it had hurt him.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Busy night with small dreams.

Last night I had a few short dreams, some of them where meaningless but meh, if our unconscious wants to speak, let it speak...

1st dream... I was at school, and we had to continue sewing our bottons though, I forgot to bring my fabric and buttons. I was scared of what the teacher would do to me by not bringing any material to work with in that class.

2nd dream... I was in my car, with my mom. She was driving and we where stuck in traffic by my house, by a light at a bread store. She pointed her finger at me and said very seriously "Family goes first" and she wanted me to convinced some how by my friends that she is right by what she said, though in my dream I knew that.

3rd dream... my dad was looking at a sports wear catalog and wanted a pair of pants that he knew was hard to get but non the less he wouldn't stop yelling at the sails person to get those pants some how.