Sunday, October 31, 2010


I had a dream where I was on a cruise with two people I knew, one of 'em being my best friend.

We had to make something out of some beads that they gave us, color blue, different tones of blues and you either made a bracelet, a ring or a necklace, but my friend and I didn't know so we just beaded a size that was in between a ring and a bracelet. So, we finish what ever we where making and went on to a costume party, but this costume party was actually quite scary… these people didn't seem like real people, they where like "possessed" but was kept down-low but even like that, I felt their energy; strong and rough. And then I saw a little girl whom physically looked like me when I was that age and her face was painted in red and her eyebrows where painted with black... she looked like a devil, I think it was the idea of it. She scared me...

We go back to the cruise and this time we are begging for something physical, my best friend and I, but there's too many people around us, so I go to another room first, shutting off every light I pass so that no one can see us, but then... he never got to me.

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